Join Us on the Journey to a 5G Future!

Media Broadcast’s transmitter site in Nauen, not far from Berlin, is one of the oldest broadcasting transmitters in the world. It is being modernized and upgraded with new, innovative 5G technology.

On this site, we have set up a 5G campus network to function as a proof of concept. Businesses who want to try 5G and test its applications for the first time in a real-life environment can use our test network.

It is not just media firms and event organizers that are being offered a unique opportunity to try 5G and comprehensively test 5G applications on protected frequencies – firms from industry also have a unique opportunity to give it a go. There is a strong focus on applications which will make TV productions easier in future and make use of new features at the same time. For you, that means an independent
5G solution, offering complete flexibility.

We are excited to invite you to help develop and create the perfect 5G applications for you.

The proof of concept is the perfect opportunity for you to share your experiences of 5G and to analyze and test 5G applications. For example, you can measure the bandwidth in order to minimize latency, or set transmission parameters and suitable coding methods. For this purpose, Media Broadcast has put together a 5G engineering team to help plan, set up and operate new 5G campus networks.

We have the knowledge and expertise required for your projects and we cooperate closely with leading professional bodies.

The 5G infrastructure is made up of both an indoor and outdoor area. The 5G core network employed at the site, the „Open5GCore“, was created by the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute. „Open5GCore“ is fully compatible with 3GPP standards.

The 5G RAN (Radio Access Network) provides a solution that is independent of the core system.

The indoor area consists of Nauen’s large broadcasting hall, while the outdoor area covers a stretch of land surrounding a fire retention pond in front of the building.

Media Broadcast can rely on connections via fiber optics, satellite or public 4G or 5G mobile networks to ensure network connectivity at the site in Nauen, subject to the latency required.

To maximize the 5G potential, we have secured the highest possible bandwidth at Nauen (100 MHz bandwidth in a frequency spectrum of 3.7 to 3.8 GHz) from the Federal Network Agency for the next 10 years.

Fig. 1: The grounds at Nauen, where Media Broadcast has been granted full bandwidth, are approx. 10 km² – the size of approx. 143 football pitches (see the blue shading). We have requested enough frequency for an area of approx. 1 km² (see the green shading).
Fig. 2: The indoor area is made up of an area of approx. 55 m (l) x 37 m (w) x 10 m (h) (see the orange cross) and the outdoor area an area of approx. 10 m x 10 m (see the orange square).
Fig. 3: Antenna mast with a 5G-active outdoor antenna
Fig. 4: Indoor antenna in the broadcasting hall

The 5G Blue Box is the core element of the proof of concept, housing both the 5G standalone core components and the control units for the RAN.

Thanks to the state-of-the-art, easily transportable stand, a 5G campus network can be set up virtually anywhere with a 5G antenna, provided it is within a licensed frequency range. Find out more about our 5G Blue Box at

5G Technology in Nauen

The Core: 5G Blue Box

5G Blue Box for the TV and Media Production

5G Campus Network for the Industry

Proof of Concept

Why Have We Built a 5G Campus Network on Our Own Site?

Development of Joint Use Cases

Development and testing of use cases for the media sector and the industry. Extending „wireless“ technology to new applications. Standardization of wireless communication.

Frequency Spectrum and Network Capacity

Protection of applications by your own frequency spectrum 3.7 GHz – 3.8 GHz. Sole access to entire bandwidth. Individual use of full spectrum capacity.

Infrastructure and Security

A one-stop shop: technical infrastructure down to the application level. Individual network design to meet your requirements. Data sovereignty and security as well as minimized downtime.

Get Set and Go with This Independent
5G System from Media Broadcast


Do You Want to Learn More or
Develop Your Own Use Cases with Us?

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    Impressions of Our Transmitter Site

    Old meets new: the site houses not only 5G technology, but also historical exhibits from broadcasting history within the large broadcasting hall (1000 m2).

    These images may be used, saved, copied or published for journalistic or private uses within the framework of the applicable press and copyright laws, wholly or partially. If the images are published, „Media Broadcast“ should always be clearly referenced as the source.

    5G Technology in Nauen

    The Core: 5G Blue Box

    5G Blue Box for the TV and Media Production

    5G Campus Network for the Industry


    The proof of concept was developed with technical support from the following partners:


    The History of Our Transmitter Station

    Nauen Transmitter Station is the oldest continually operating short-wave transmitter in the world. It was first started on 1 April 1906 by Richard Hirsh, an engineer for the German radio and television company Telefunken, at a 40-hectare property north of Nauen which he leased from the estate holder Fritz Stotze. The present antennae were completed in 1964 and 1997, and are 70 and 80.5 meters tall respectively. Until 2011, the station was used to broadcast the Deutsche Welle channel by short wave.

    A new antenna was constructed in Nauen between 1995 and 1997. It is made of four rotating short-wave antennae, constructed by the company Thomcast, and four 500-kilowatt transmitters, which are made by Telefunken Sendertechnik and are all transistor to the output stage. A particular feature of the rotating antennae is that they can rotate freely in all directions. Energy is transferred by means of slip rings. Two of the four antennae have a switching vertical pattern which can reach targets of various distances.

    The transmitter has belonged to Media Broadcast since 2008.

    100 years ago, on 29 September 1920, President of the Reich Friedrich Ebert officially opened the Muthesius-Building (construction began in September 1916).

    The Werkbund architect Hermann Muthesius (1861-1927) was commissioned to construct the largest German industrial project of the time. The requirements for the new building included a machine room to house the large high-frequency machines, rooms for coils and other technical parts, broadcasting and receiving rooms, offices for management and administration and reception areas.

    The style of the exterior was the utmost simplicity with the aim of making the greatest possible impression. The very nature of the site was well-suited to the requirements of such a building, an endless, completely flat surface from which the slender iron towers of the radio station could protrude at tremendous heights, visible from several kilometers around.

    Muthesius was able to achieve this self-imposed goal by building two intersecting sections: one „long“ hall was 20 m wide and 40 m long and the other „cross“ hall was 11 m wide and 55 m long. The existing low transmission station was situated on the left-hand side of the „long“ hall and was replicated on the right-hand side to maintain the symmetry of the whole building.

    Source: Wikipedia and a publication commemorating the ceremonial presentation of the Nauen transmitter station, April 25, 1997



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